A New Year means new changes – at least when it comes to distracted driving laws.  On January 1, 2019, the fines and penalties for distracted driving will increase.

Drivers with A to G licences
If you have an A, B, C, D, E, F and/or G licence, starting January 1, 2019 you’ll face:
For your first conviction:

  • a fine of up to $1,000
  • three demerit points
  • a three-day day driver’s licence suspension

For your second conviction within 5 years:

  • a fine of up to $2,000
  • six demerit points
  • a seven-day driver’s licence suspension

For your third and all subsequent convictions within 5 years:

  • a fine of up to $3,000
  • six demerit points
  • a 30-day driver’s licence suspension

Novice drivers
Effective January 1, 2019, if you hold a G1, G2, M1 or M2 licence, and are convicted of distracted driving, you’ll face the same escalating fines as drivers with A to G licences but you won’t receive any demerit points.
Instead of demerit points you’ll face:

  • a 30-day licence suspension for a first conviction
  • a 90-day licence suspension for a second conviction
  • cancellation of your licence and removal from the Graduated Licensing System (GLS) for a third conviction


More info


Filed under: dont-text-and-drive