Singer/songwriter Shawn Austin and I have something in common: both our dads were cops.

Last week, we compared notes. During an interview at Country 107.3 in Tillsonburg, Ont., we talked about the possibility of following in our dad’s footsteps, whether they might have been disappointed that we didn’t. Although he never told me, I do know my dad was proud of the career I went into. Austin’s dad is proud of what he’s doing in country music. And we both have souvenirs of their service. I have my dad’s old patrol notebooks. Shawn has his dad’s riot helmet.

We also talked about a subject that cop kids rarely discuss, at least out loud: the thought in the back of our minds that something horrible might happen to our dads, that when they went off to work, it just might be the last time we would ever see them again.

You can hear that part of our conversation below. Just a couple of cop kids comparing notes.

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Shawn: His Cop Dad

Originally Aired: April 2, 2019

And keep your ears open. Shawn has some brand new music coming out later this month!