Tillsonburg has a confirmed case of Covid-19. An associate from the local Walmart store on Broadway Avenue has tested positive for the virus. In an email this morning from the director of Corporate Affairs for Walmart Canada, quoted in a social media post from the Tillsonburg News (newspaper), Adam Grachnik says, “We are keeping the associate in our thoughts and wish them a speedy recovery.” He adds, “Out of an abundance of caution, employees identified as being in close contact have been directed to self-isolate and we are continuing our regular enhanced cleanings. We’ve contacted local health authorities and the store remains open.” Grachnik says, “Rest assured, we will continue to take measures to ensure the well-being of our customers and associates.”

There was only one additional new case of the Covid-19 virus reported on the weekend – a man in his 90’s in Elgin County who was being treated in hospital and had contracted the virus through close contact. Southwestern Public Health, which covers Oxford and Elgin counties and the city of St. Thomas, posted the information on their website Saturday morning. There hasn’t been an update to their list in the past two days. Of the 21 total cases, eight were reported in Oxford County, two in St. Thomas and the rest in Elgin County. Three cases, two in Oxford and one in Elgin, have been resolved, meaning the patients are no longer considered to be contagious.

Stay informed. Among the websites you should be checking:

Southwestern Public Health: https://www.swpublichealth.ca/content/community-update-novel-coronavirus-covid-19

Town of Tillsonburg (which has, through daily bulletins from Mayor Stephen Molnar, detailed information): https://www.tillsonburg.ca/en/town-hall/novel-conoravirus-covid-19-information.aspx

Oxford County: http://www.oxfordcounty.ca/covid-19

Stay safe…and wash your hands OFTEN!!!