Tillsonburg and Area Covid-19 Update (Thursday): More Oxford Cases
This morning’s data release by Southwestern Public Health shows more cases have been reported in Oxford County while Elgin County’s count has dropped. Two new cases in Woodstock put their total at 4 and brings Oxford’s total up to 16 current cases. The latest numbers still have Blandford-Blenheim with 4 cases, while Tillsonburg, Zorra and East Zorra-Tavistock remain with 2 cases each. There’s been only 1 case reported in Norwich and Southwest Oxford.
Southwestern Public Health, which covers Oxford and Elgin counties as well as the city of St. Thomas, reports one fewer case of the coronavirus in the Railway City, bringing their count down to 6 and the Elgin County total down from 15 to 14. Other reported sites in Elgin show no change since yesterday with Dutton/Dunwich at 3 cases, West Elgin at 2, and 1 case in Aylmer, Bayham and Malahide.
Stay updated by checking these local websites (there’s a lot of useful and important information and links):
Southwestern Public Health: https://www.swpublichealth.ca/content/community-update-novel-coronavirus-covid-19
Oxford County: http://www.oxfordcounty.ca/covid-19
Town of Tillsonburg: https://www.tillsonburg.ca/en/town-hall/novel-conoravirus-covid-19-information.aspx
Stay safe, stay apart, stay informed…and wash your hands, OFTEN!