Tillsonburg and Area Covid-19 Update (Thurs.)
Another Covid-19 case has been resolved in the area covered by Southwestern Public Health, which includes Oxford and Elgin counties, and the city of St. Thomas. The resolved case, in Elgin County’s Malahide Township, reduces the number of active cases in Elgin down to one. Dutton/Dunwich is the only municipality in that county with an ongoing case. Woodstock continues to have the only active case in Oxford County, resulting in a grand total of 2 active virus cases.
Looking at the current status of surrounding areas, the Region of Waterloo has 67 ongoing cases, Haldimand-Norfolk has 31, while Middlesex-London has 28, Chatham-Kent is reporting 5 active cases and Brant County and Huron Perth have 1 case each.
Websites to check regularly include:
Southwestern Public Health: https://www.swpublichealth.ca/content/community-update-novel-coronavirus-covid-19
Oxford County: http://www.oxfordcounty.ca/covid-19
Town of Tillsonburg: https://www.tillsonburg.ca/en/town-hall/novel-conoravirus-covid-19-information.aspx
Stay safe, stay apart, stay home (as much as possible), stay informed…and wash your hands often.