It is expected that many who attended the protests in Aylmer over this past weekend will head to Woodstock on Sunday for a similar peaceful protest. The Mayor of Woodstock has taken to the City’s Facebook Page to give their point of view on the planned protests


The post is as follows:

Social media posts are promoting an anti-lockdown Freedom rally for the City of Woodstock this Sunday.
As Mayor of the City of Woodstock I want to say that we respect people’s right to express their views but we do not condone or support any event that contravenes Provincial Regulations and the recommendations of our Public Health Officials. The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms provides the right to peaceful assembly and the right to express opinions and beliefs. Provincial Regulations establishes limits on outdoor gatherings but does not require the use of face masks in outdoor settings.
The City of Woodstock and City Council, believe the safety of our community is paramount and any activity that unnecessarily increases the risk of exposure is unacceptable.
To the organizers and attendees of this event I caution that Woodstock Police Service will be on-hand, monitoring the event to ensure the safety of everyone and will respond to violations of any laws as deemed necessary.
The Woodstock Police Service’s role throughout the COVID-19 response has been to maintain the health and safety of all residents of Woodstock by ensuring that Emergency Orders are adhered to and where necessary and appropriate, lay charges in relation to violations of those orders. That role will continue this weekend. Public safety is our priority as is the maintenance of peace and enforcement of laws to protect the citizens of our community.
To our community, I ask that you not attend, that you not interact with attendees, that you stay within your social circle and continue to follow the recommendations of our Public Health Officials. I caution against added interaction on social media; which has the unintended consequence of promoting this event. Remember Friendly City, we are all in this together.


Filed under: covid 19, mask, protest, woodstock