Norfolk County is looking for community input on how it should market itself to potential visitors once COVID-19 restrictions begin to ease.


The County has launched a short online survey designed to gather feedback on everything from the words residents use to describe their home to uncovering Norfolk’s most beautiful hidden gems.


Survey results will inform the development of a new tourism branding strategy, part of the re-positioning of the Tourism and Economic Development department announced after last year’s budget deliberations.


“It might be hard to imagine a regular ‘tourist season’ right now, but the development of this strategy is crucial to ensuring Norfolk County is ready once it’s safe to welcome visitors back to the area,” says Zvi Lifshiz, Norfolk’s director of strategic innovation and economic development. “This branding strategy will allow us to focus more energy on partnering with tourism participants to drive visitation and increase overnight stays in the area.”


The survey is open until Dec. 4. The proposed brand strategy will be presented to Council in the new year.

Filed under: branding, community, norfolk, tourism