This post is sponsored by Continental Home Improvements.

Open the front door to easy home renovations. Let’s face it, not everyone is handy around the house. You can avoid a world of frustration by having your home renovations done by the professionals (you know, the truly easy way).

Refreshing your front door and adding some new side lights to your entry way can help revive your home. But when you really get into the job, you may be surprised with what’s involved. Removing the front door really isn’t hard. But once you get the door out, inspecting the door jamb to ensure proper fit for the new door is necessary. The jamb is the main support for the complete entry system, acting as the frame for any side lights going in. But have you done your measurements correctly?

Have you ever stepped through a crooked door? Or one that’s a little off. You can tell because it doesn’t close properly and may even need a hard shove to get it closed. We have all used a door like that! Ensuring your door opening and jamb is level, square, and plumb is necessary for a door to hang and operate properly. Setting the door level in the jamb and shimming the frame so the gaps between it and the door are even is essential.

But would you believe that some DIYers have gone through the whole process of installing a new front door to find out that they’ve installed the door backwards? Now, how do you waterproof this installation if everything is backwards? And what side does the kickplate go on?

Close the door on worrying about doing your own home renovations. Connect with Continental Home Improvements and you can have your front entry door system replaced at anytime of year. Why move when you can improve? Front doors and side light installations happen all year round. Find Continental Home Improvements at

Filed under: daly disaster