A cannabis production facility in Townsend has been fined $40,000, plus $10,000 as a Victim Fine Surcharge, for significant violations of the County’s zoning by-law.

The facility’s operators pleaded guilty to charges of violating the set-back requirements of the County’s zoning by-law, which caused serious nuisance odour, dust and light impacts for their neighbours.

Despite the charge, the facility’s owners continued to operate the facility for 493 days without changing any of their practices.

“The County is pleased that the court recognized that the defendant’s decision to continue operating for so long post-charge – while allowing a pungent smell to permeate their neighbours’ homes and bright lights and noisy equipment to disrupt their lives – was deserving of a significant penalty,” says County Solicitor Paula Boutis. “This fine sends a clear message to cannabis producers and processors that we expect them to respect our zoning bylaws and apply for all needed planning permissions, including site plan approval, prior to operating.”

The facility will not be permitted to operate again until it has satisfied the County that appropriate mitigation strategies – for odour, dust and light control systems – are in place.

Filed under: cannabis, norfolk, townsend