Tillsonburg’s George Papadakos decided to take on the Alzheimer’s Society of Oxford County’s “Anything for Alzheimer’s” in a unique and admiral fashion, by running 31 marathons in 31 days.

George called into the Daly Drive Home today to talk about this undertaking, and what his family thought of his goals.


While his body ultimately decided running 31 full marathons in a month is a tall order(that would be slightly over 42km a day) he did make to to half of that with several half marathons in between, for a total of more than 800km! That’s like running from Tillsonburg to Kingston and back!


George set out with a goal of raising $31,000 for the Oxford County Alzheimer’s Society, but now it’s looking closer to $40,000 raised! If you want to donate more, click here!



Thanks for the fundraising and being a local hero George!


Filed under: Alzheimer's society, daly, fundriaser, George Papadakos, tillsonburg