Beginning tonight, the Rotary Clock Tower in downtown Tillsonburg will be illuminated with blue lights to acknowledge the tireless efforts of front-line health care providers, emergency service personnel and other essential workers. The lights will be illuminated from dusk to dawn.

“We want to honour and recognize the local heroes who have made sacrifices on a daily basis over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic,” explains Mayor Stephen Molnar. “On behalf of Council and our entire corporate team, we are proud to light the clock tower in blue as a beacon of hope in this difficult time. It’s also a way to express the gratitude of a thankful community.”

The Town continues to encourage all local residents to share in the responsibility for a safe community by following all public health guidelines.

“The Province’s message is ‘Stay home. Stay safe. Save lives.’ As a community, we need to think of others and continue to make tough individual and collective sacrifices to help keep our community safe.”

Updated information related to the COVID-19 virus in Tillsonburg remains available anytime at