Ingersoll and surrounding communities are coming together to support 4 year old Hunter Weston Friday night via an online auction.

Hunter is four years old and was diagnosed Neuroblastoma, an aggressive form of cancer, on March 26th 2020 (on his mothers birthday). He has undergone 11 rounds of chemo and countless surgeries to try and stop his aggressive cancer. Hunters tumor was originally found in his belly and it attached itself to his liver and his right kidney. After the 8th round of chemo, the tumor shrunk but it was still active. And then the worst news of all, Hunters team found nodules in his lungs.

Unfortunately Chemo is no longer working for Hunter and it is recommended he try immunotherapy. However, this new treatment comes with a hefty price tag.

A number of sponsors and individuals have come together to help raise funds for Hunter’s treatment with donations that will go up for auction Friday night. The auction goes live Feb 19th at 7:30 PM and will close Friday Feb. 26th at 5 PM.

A list of items up for auction is available here, while you can click here to joint he Facebook group and learn more about Hunter’s journey. A GoFundMe is also available.


Best of luck Hunter!

Filed under: cancer, fundraiser, hunter, Ingersoll