Meet Chico!


Chico is around 7 years old with the usual mischevious, snuggly Pug personality. He lived a long time with all those extra male hormones and potty training was a challenge because of his sexual frustration and a language barrier……he only understands Spanish!!! It took his foster momma a bit to figure out that while he loved being told he was a good boy, it was really the excitement in her voice, not the words. Googling Spanish training phrases and the many years of watching Dora with the kids helped her communicate better with him! His adopter will need to be patient and understanding, as he may have the occasional accident inside.

He loves his foster family, especially the young boy in the home and can always be found snuggling his foster brother Puggle. He loves to play and walks are his second favorite thing, although they tend to take some time because he needs to let every other dog know he was there by leaving his mark on every tree! Cuddling with his humans is his BEST thing.

He’s a quiet boy, sleeps well through the night and really is the sweetest little love bug! He is pretty comical with his actions and when he is busy running around and chasing, if he stops too quickly his tail end comes up as he’s a bit front heavy. He would love a fenced yard to play fetch in and someone who would enjoy taking him for walks.


Find out everything you need to adopt a pet from Oxford County Animal Rescue!