Meet Jen, Joan & Josie!


I take a bit of time to warm up, but once I get comfortable with you I enjoy a good pet and head bumps. I
am a pretty chill girl, but when I get interested, I love to play with lasers or chase feathers. I am a little skittish and startle when there are loud noises and will find a hiding place until I feel safe. I like to lay beside you for snuggles or on a warm blanket. I would be very happy being the only cat in your life because I like all the love for myself. I have not been exposed to dogs or children, but would need a proper introduction to adjust. I am spayed, up to date on my vaccines and FIV/FelV negative, and ready for my indoor forever home.



I love to sit on your lap and be pet or just fall asleep on you where I feel safe. I really enjoy a good play and love to chase lasers and will run myself to exhaustion. I love cat nip and brushing. I am curious and love to explore. I get along with my sisters and happy to snuggle up with them for a nap or just to be close to someone to feel safe. I have not been exposed to children or dogs, but would be accepting given time and a proper introduction.
I have been spayed, am up to date with my vaccines, FIV/FelV negative and ready for my forever indoor home.
I can been seen at the Woodstock Petsmart location.



I love to be with people and enjoy being in the same room as you and will take any opportunity to push in for a good pet or a brushing. I love chasing lasers, feathers or balls and will play on my own. I’m very vocal when I’m lonely or feel insecure. I spend most of my time resting in a window or a comfortable cushion. I can be very cute when I want attention by bumping and rolling around and showing my belly. I would be best as the only kitty in the home as I really like all the attention.
I have not been exposed to children or dogs, but would be accepting given time and a proper introduction.
I have been spayed, am up to date with my vaccines, FIV/FelV negative and ready for my forever indoor home.
I can been seen at the Woodstock Petsmart location.


Find out everything you need to adopt a pet from Oxford County Animal Rescue!