Photo of Selina #2Photo of Mallory #0


Meet Selena and Mallory!


Miss Selina is a darling little beauty was found surviving and hiding inside an outdoor gazebo. She was once loved by a human and then left outside. She was suffering from a flea allergy and had an open sore on her back at the base of her tail. It has healed up nicely and the hair has begun to grow back. She is super affectionate and enjoys cuddles on her foster mom’s lap. She is quiet and hasn’t shown any interest in playing yet. She prefers to stay away from the other kitties in the home, but is not mean about it, she just avoids them and will hiss if they approach her.

She is FIV/FeLV negative, has been flea treated and dewormed, is up to date on her vaccines, and spayed


Beautiful Mallory is looking for a quiet indoor home. She came to us very fearful and not trusting anyone. We have worked to gain her trust and let her true colors shine. She loves to be brushed and pet and will roll over to get belly rubs. She prefers the safety of her hiding tube and will scurry inside if there is too much noise or commotion. She has a very quiet voice and will chirp at her foster mom for attention. She is FIV/Felv negative, has been dewormed and flea treated, is spayed and up to date on her vaccines.


Find out everything you need to adopt a pet from Oxford County Animal Rescue!