Photo by John Shearer/Getty Images for CMA

With Halloween approaching, Brothers Osborne’s John Osborne is recalling his favourite childhood memories.

Their lower-middle-class parents gave John and TJ the best Halloween experience, despite not having the most money to do so. “Our parents were creative people, and they would make our costumes. A copper pipe house has a black sheet, and it goes around it for insulation. And our dad, a plumber, just had a bunch of random stuff [lying] around and then turned those into spider legs and made TJ into a spider. It was awesome,” John recalls.

“I want to do that with our kids. Anyone can go out and buy it, which is so fine and still really fun. But being creative like that, especially, well, necessity is in fact the mother of invention,” says John. “We just had a blast doing that as kids, and I want to do that with our kids as well.”

John has some costume ideas for his first Halloween as a dad. “We have a boy and a girl, so we’re thinking about dressing them up as me and my wife, Lucie [Silvas]. Put on a beard on Arthur and [give] Maybelle really long hair.”