Tillsonburg has its second case of the Covid-19 virus. Today’s update of the Southwestern Public Health website shows it was the only new case reported in the past 24 hours. Southwestern Public Health covers Oxford County, Elgin County and the city of St. Thomas. No further details on the new case are available at the moment.

The news comes eight days after Tillsonburg’s first case was reported to involve an “associate” at Wal-Mart. A press release that day mentioned “employees identified as being in close contact [with the associate] have been directed to self-isolate….”

To recap, as of this morning, Oxford County now has 9 reported cases of the coronavirus, 2 in Tillsonburg and Blandford-Blenheim, 1 each in East Zorra-Tavistock, Ingersoll, Norwich, Woodstock and Zorra. Elgin County has 15 cases, with 6 in St. Thomas, 5 in Dutton/Dunwich, and 1 each in Aylmer, Central Elgin, Southwold and West Elgin.

Websites you should check regularly:

Southwestern Public Health: https://www.swpublichealth.ca/content/community-update-novel-coronavirus-covid-19

Oxford County: http://www.oxfordcounty.ca/covid-19

Tillsonburg: https://www.tillsonburg.ca/en/town-hall/novel-conoravirus-covid-19-information.aspx

Stay safe, stay apart, stay informed…and wash your hands, OFTEN!