A new Covid-19 case has been reported in today’s data release from Southwestern Public Health. Covering Oxford and Elgin counties and the city of St. Thomas, the new case is in Woodstock, bringing that city’s total of active cases to 3. Tillsonburg also has 3 cases, while Norwich and Southwest Oxford still have 1 case each. The new Woodstock case raises Oxford County’s total from 7 to 8, and raises the grand total in the area covered by Southwestern Public Health from 11 to 12 since Monday.

Elgin County’s numbers haven’t changed since last week. They still have 4 active cases, with 2 each in St. Thomas and Malahide.

For the latest information, check out these local websites regularly…

Southwestern Public Health: https://www.swpublichealth.ca/content/community-update-novel-coronavirus-covid-19

Oxford County: http://www.oxfordcounty.ca/covid-19

Town of Tillsonburg: https://www.tillsonburg.ca/en/town-hall/novel-conoravirus-covid-19-information.aspx

Stay safe, stay apart, stay home and stay informed…and wash your hands, OFTEN!